Rear bike carrier

Questions about products? Read the FAQs

19 products

Check car compatibility + Questions about products? Read the FAQs

Car brand

Car model

No choice available on this group

Car year

No choice available on this group

Max total load (kg, attention always check for any updates to the car)

Max size frame section (cm)


Fat bikes

We are sorry but no bars are compatible with your car

Unfortunately none of our rear bike carriers is suitable for your car. It's due to the presence of plastic/not metallic part where it's not possible to hang to.

You should choose a roof or a tow ball bike rack.

You can always find an alternative:

Frequently Asked Questions

You can check if products fit your car HERE

It's due to the presence of plastic/not metallic part where it's not possible to hang to.
You should choose a roof or a tow ball bike rack.

Firstly check the registration year of the car, then you have to choose the range of year in which is included yours.

Firstly check the registration year of the car, then you have to choose the range of year in which is included yours.

For rear bike carriers there is Pure Instinct rear 2 bikes art 709 and Firenze E-bike art 660E, for those products you must check compatibility HERE

We suggest you to use the filters on the left side to find the best rear bike carrier for your car

Le confermo che l’art.394 barra ripetitrice di luci e targa necessita di una connessione elettrica, potete recarvi presso il vostro elettrauto di fiducia e richiedere che venga applicata alla sua auto l’apposita spina. La tipologia di spina utilizzata su questo tipo di optional è “7 poli”, nel caso in cui disponesse già di una spina diversa o l’elettrauto le disponesse una spina diversa sarà sufficiente acquistare una apposito adattatore reperibile in qualsiasi negozio di accessoristica auto. L’optional art. 394 può essere acquistato anche nel nostro shop online.

Products have the same function. Rail ones are more expensive than the others.

You need a specific optional art 395, which is 45 up to 75 cm long

on The Pure Instinct they are included (not the first one), on the other ones they can be purchased as optional

Yes it is, moreover lights and plate number must not be covered

If the bike carrier is applied, excpetially with bikes loaded. Supports and hooks can damage the car.

No non è possibile utilizzare il tergilunotto e raccomandiamo la disattivazione di eventuali funzioni che permettono l’accensione automatica dello stesso in fase di retromarcia.

Unfortunately we didn't test your car yet. Our technitian test periodically cars so we invite you to check regularry our website.

Please keep as valid just our fitting research, other website could give you not correct or not updated compatibilities.

We suggest you to check: Max distance between bike wheels (cm), Max tyre width (cm), if you prefer bike carriers with frame fixing we suggest you to  check: Distance between tube arms for bike frame support (cm)

The difference between 2 materials is the quality of the material (aliminium is more expensive than steel), moreover aluminium if scratched it can't rust as steel do. Anyway, if the product is intact it has the same weather resistance

No, you can't use it, we suggest you to turn off the automatic power

We sell our products online, we offer also spare parts and accessories to guarantee everybody availability of parts. You can find all spare parts on our shop. Some products can not be available for the shipping outside Italy.