This work is not finished, we are even more aware today that we have more to do, always looking to improve our business in an ethical and sustainable manner.
Peruzzo is now focused on evaluating our business following modern ESG standards, these standards are divided into three macro sectors: The Environment, Social Responsibility, Ethical Governance.
Below we set out our mission, we invite you to scan the QR codes below to stay up-to-date as we progress with our work.
Waste reduction

At Peruzzo we are continually working to reduce waste, reducing disposal costs and environmental impact.
We have implemented the use of glass water bottles instead of plastic, all our waste is separated for recycling, including organic material for composting.
Work Smart, work locally

For many years now we have developed a supply chain that is as local as possible, therefore directly benefiting the area in which our company is based.
This short supply chain, based on procurement from local suppliers, reduces the impact of transport on the supply chain and thereafter a direct reduction of carbon footprint.
Then with the implementation of intelligent management of warehouse logistics, in both our own warehouses and the warehouses of our suppliers, we have further reduced our emissions through this optimisation of product workflows.
We never lose sight of these objectives, from conception and the design phase to final production, to support the local community as zero km as possible.
Working Smart has lead us to develop new plastic-free packaging and the development of a new 'eco-friendly' product line using materials such as bioplastic and cork.
To support of customers and our installed product base we offer via an E-commerce system the continuity of supply of spare parts for our products, providing our customers with this valuable customer service and maximising the lifecycle of all our products.
Solar power e green mobility

Through the installation of solar panels at our factory we have reduced energy costs and are working towards a net total energy self-sufficiency. We have also reduced our fossil fuel consumption through the use of hybrid cars within our company vehicle fleet.
A Happy Workspace

We are aware that working in a harmonious environment improves the quality of life at work and the work itself.
Our company premises are modern and light, equipped with LED lighting systems and new ergonomic furniture.
A relaxation room and a canteen area are available to our employees.
In addition this year we carried out a survey of all our employees, asking what the ideal working hours would be for them, for their own personal needs. The result of this survey is the implementation of new business hours, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. with a half-hour break for lunch. These new working hours will give all staff more time outside of work to develop and follow various activities, and above all to help many mothers and fathers with family life.
Business Loyalty

The relationship with our suppliers and customers has always been based on loyalty, common goals and long-lasting ethical business practices.
The result today is that more than 60% of our customers and suppliers have been working with us for more than 10 years!
Our Business family

We firmly believe that the workplace is the second family, which is why at Peruzzo we cultivate long-term relationships with all of our employees.
36% of them have been with us for more than 20 years and only 2% have decided to leave the company in recent years.
Happy job

If you are happy at work, you will work better!
Our goal is to put employees at the centre of company decisions.
We strongly believe in equal opportunities, women make up more than 50 per cent of our staff, holding many managerial roles, both in production and management departments.
Salaries are higher than the government minimum wages [CCNL].
We believe that training is not only an added value for the company but above all an important aspect of personal growth for all our employees. We hope our staff will feel increasingly satisfied in their work roles and more capable to meet the challenges of the roles assigned to them within our company.
Peruzzo has a clear Zero tolerance to Racial Discrimination, we support and foster multiculturalism within our company, which we consider an added value to us all.
Pleasure and leisure

Small pleasures and a bit of fun should never be overlooked!
That is why we started 'Happy birthday' with caffè and brioches to celebrate staff birthdays every last Friday of the month.
We Care

Together we think we can do a lot.
That is why we like to take care of others.
In the past few years Peruzzo has donated the amount of money usually earmarked for Christmas gifts to important social projects:
- In 2021 we supported the association for the Casa Paese di Cicala project, the project involves creating a suitable environment for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease;
- In 2022, the amount was donated to the 'Il giardino degli Aceri Negundi' project in Rosà, our home town, to offer all children an inclusive play area.
We would like to think that each of our customers, normally the recipients of our Christmas gifts, feels involved in these great projects, knowing that they have in some way made their own contribution.
For the past two years we have also decided to activate an annual welfare plan for our employees through the TreCuori platform, which for years now has developed a vast network of agreements with shopkeepers and service companies mainly located in our area, so that welfare is not only a benefit for our employees but also generates a positive effect on the local economic area.
Throughout the year we try to support projects that are presented to us, in which we recognise a help to others through various sponsorships;
- The Rossano Veneto stage of the 45th Giro d'Italia Giovani;
- Purchase of a van for the Rossano Veneto Rest Home;
- Sponsorship of the volleyball sports club A.S.D. volley Rosà;
- Sponsorship of the Rosà Proloco, which organises numerous events such as the Festa degli Aquiloni (Kite Festival), the Festa dello Sport (Sports Festival), and the Rosatese Carnival, all events that not only have a recreational purpose but above all involve families and young people to keep the sense of community alive;
In addition, each year Peruzzo hosts students for school work placements and work projects, we believe this is an important experience for young people and a bridge to the professional workplace, often for the first time.
Buy local

Our company has always been closely connected to the territory in which it is located and has grown with it. It was therefore an equally natural choice to decide to concentrate our purchasing and processing in the local area, preferring suppliers based within a 5/10 km radius of our headquarters.
Today the value of material imported from non-EU areas only amounts to 4% and from EU areas only 3%
The remaining 93% is exclusively purchased in Italy, 67% of which from our Veneto region of which 59% comes from a radius of less than thin 10 km from our factory.

For many years our company has been certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001 standards, but in recent years, this approach has led us to annually set important improvement goals in terms of process optimisation.
During 2024 we have consolidated our commitment to developing an increasingly sustainable company.
At Peruzzo we see it as our duty to practise sustainability to the best of our abilities and resources, it is essential for our future generations.
You just have to look at the news from around the world, to see the impact of the neglect of our planet and its resources and our society in general which ours and our previous generations have left us as a reality we find ourselves in today.
We want to ‘practice sustainability’ and not simply ‘be sustainable’ As a production company Peruzzo needs to put incentives into action by making actual changes to the way we do things. We are ‘doing’, ‘practising’ as well as ‘being’.
This is why we feel it is valuable to share with our customers, suppliers and employees how, in our own small way, we have ‘practised’ sustainability during the year 2024, further consolidating our commitment
- We have supported Villa Aldina in Rossano Veneto to be able to guarantee many elderly, disabled and severely disabled people in the area a free transport service.
- We have decided to donate the amount allocated for the Christmas gifts to the ‘Casa campesina? foundation for the purchase of an electricity generator, enabling many people to benefit from this source of energy which to many of us is taken for granted, but for them is essential, but in no way guaranteed.
- We are in the process of updating all of our product instructions from paper versions to digital version by placing a special QR code on each product to be scanned, this update, in addition to making the assembly phase extremely intuitive for the user, allows us to save tons of paper each year that in the past was used for printing product instructions.
- During 2024 we renewed our staff welfare plan for all our employees through the ‘Trecuori’ platform, which operates through agreements with many businesses in the area.
- In the course of 2025, we will embark on an important path, requiring all our packaging suppliers to supply us with paper and cardboard packaging that comes exclusively from controlled and FSC-certified forests, aiming, once stocks of current packaging have been used up, to use more than 90 per cent FSC-certified paper and cardboard. We try to limit the distribution of paper catalogues as much as possible, preferring the digital format. Wherever possible, catalogues that must be printed are done so on recycled paper.
- We sponsored the ASD Volley of Rosà, a meeting point for many young people, girls and boys, in our area, certain that sport is a source of values and friendships that will help them throughout their lives.
Back in 2022 we decided to join a project of Chambers of Commerce in Vicenza, with the aim of understanding our approach to sustainability in concrete terms, giving metric values to our status, and actual sustainability rating.
We are extremely proud to inform you that Peruzzo has recorded a marked improvement in our rating, going from a score of 3.0 out of 5 in 2022 to a score of 3.6 out of 5 in 2024, which sees us above the average in our sector for the province of Vicenza of 3.2 out of 5.
There is still much work to be done, but we are on the right path, we are committed along with the many external collaborators who support us on achieving our goals.
CLICK HERE to view the Peruzzo 2022 - 2024 Rating in detail
CLICK HERE for the overall sustainability rating 2024